TEAM objectives

The TEAM project envisions a systems for all participants in transportation networks. The research and methodology explicitly takes into account the needs and constraints of every road participants and - novel to this today's extent - the infrastructure itself. The technology results and applications therefore will have to solve real time needs for the human decision making process within our window of interaction - a time interval roughly between 5 seconds and 5 minutes - within which the following objectives are set.

  1. TEAM objectives

    TEAM's basic objective is to create, test, demonstrate and evaluate an elastic and collaborative mobility management system. The six technical objectives are:

  2. Collaborative decision making and optimisation algorithms

  3. These algorithms are designed to optimize massively large scale systems, using infrastructure information as well as distributed system-wide mobility data. Key innovative concepts are

    (a) responding to aggregate effects of all road users and their interactions rather than only to the actions of an individual driver or vehicle,

    (b) placing a feedback loop around those aggregated effects of the travellers and drivers as well as the infrastructure and using this loop to regulate the systems in a decentralized best-effort manner, and

    (c) introducing the ability of the system to elastically respond to the changing needs of the participating actors: travellers, road operators and infrastructure.

  4. Create technology building blocks for the automotive cloud

  5. LTE will help to deploy intelligent transport systems (ITS) faster. Therefore, integrating vehicle-2-x communcation (IEEE802.11p) and LTE is mandatory for early adaption of mobility applications.

    The LDM++ automotive cloud concept realizes a flexible and layered mobility information management. It realizes cross-vehicle/cross-user sensor fusion, updated and synced in real time.

    Cooperative GPS is a novel positioning concept that allows vehicles (and smart phones) nearby to improve each other’s positions towards lane accuracy.

    Collecting and evaluating data from drivers and travellers requires to protect privacy and prevent abuse. Vehicle-2-x security mechanisms are therefore adapted for TEAM's needs.

  6. Real-time alignment of needs

  7. To successfully deploy collaborative algorithms, TEAM needs to implement the Enablers to aggregate the needs not only from drivers and travellers but also road operators and municipal authorities.

    Enablers provide the methods and technologies for the massive collection and management of real-time system-wide mobility data as well as algorithms for control and optimization of large scale centralized and distributed mobility systems.

  8. Participation of drivers and travellers

  9. Enable road users to perceive the collective and individual benefits to achieve a safe, efficient, and clean mobility as a new life style on the move.

    TEAM will encourage driver and traveller participation to foster behavioural change through team building and communities on smart phones and in vehicles.

  10. Quantify the technical performance and impacts

  11. The Euro-EcoChallenge, a two-weeks pan-European mobility test, will capture user acceptance and illustrate the benefits of TEAM services.

    Furthermore, we study and discuss with stakeholders throughout the lifetime of TEAM to provide insight on business models of collaboration for effective and massive deployment of cooperative systems.

  12. Promote collaborative mobility

  13. TEAM will promote its community-aware and adaptive mobility concept among all relevant professional stakeholder groups.

    We liaise with stakeholders outside the consortium, related projects, initiatives and networks, and contribute to standardisation activities to increase credibility and acceptance of the TEAM concept.

    A cost-benefit and cost-effectiveness analyses (CBA/CEA) will estimate the potential financial and socio-economic benefits.
