Editorial information - TEAM - IP project

Editorial information


The TEAM project is co-funded by the European Commission DG-Information Society and Media in the 7th Framework Programme. The content of this web site publication is the sole responsibility of the project partners.

The information provided in this website has been prepared exclusively for the purpose of providing information about the TEAM project and related activities.

The TEAM consortium has tried to ensure that all information provided in this website is correct at the time it was included. However, no representation is made or warranty given as to the completeness, accuracy and constant update of the information contained in this website.

By accessing this website, you agree that the TEAM consortium will not be liable for any direct or indirect damage or any consequential loss arising from the use of the information contained in this website or from your access to any other information on the internet via hyperlinks.

The copyright in the material contained in this website belongs to the TEAM consortium. The technology or processes described in this website may be subject to other intellectual property rights reserved by the TEAM consortium or by other third parties in various countries. No licence is granted in respect of those intellectual property rights.

No information contained in this website can be considered as a suggestion to infringe patents. The TEAM consortium disclaims any liability that may be claimed for infringement or alleged infringement of patents. This website is an offer of information of the TEAM project team.

Responsible for content

Dr. Ilja Radusch

Fraunhofer-Institut FOKUS
Kaiserin-Augusta-Allee 31
10587 Berlin

This website does not process any specific personal data. :n si

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