TEAM structure

TEAM is a European research project that turns static mobility into elastic mobility. Drivers, travellers and infrastructure operators are brought together in a collaborative network that balances individual and global mobility needs. Collaboration is the key concept, which extends the cooperative concept of vehicle-2-x systems with interaction and participation.

  1. TEAM structure


      Lead: Ilja Radusch (Fraunhofer FOKUS)

      The MANAGEMENT sub-project aims at efficient management of the TEAM project, ensuring that the project goals are met in budget, on quality, and in time. One of the most important success factors is ensuring transparency and trustful collaboration among the consortium partners, which SP1 will facilitate.


      Lead: Filip Fumerie, Rafael Basso (Volvo)

      EMPOWER provides the technological basis for the TEAM project. It specifies the overall system and its architecture.

      The sub-project researches and develops the necessary foundation to implement the applications developed in the sub-projects FLEX and DIALOGUE.

      One requirement is the convergence of mobile communication for intelligent transport systems (ITS). After evaluating which applications can be supported by each communication technology, specific enhancements can be proposed. This allows efficient transport of automotive communication.

      Another important aspect of EMPOWER is the evaluation and improvement of the information management component. This component has different layers, where each layer includes homogeneous data (e.g. pollution information, traffic flow information). The sub-project clarifies how each layer can be structured, updated and integrated.

      Additional technological requirements are accurate position data (cooperative GPS), reliable sensor data, privacy, security and interoperability. All these aspects are addressed in EMPOWER to ensure the rapid and expedient implementation of TEAM's applications and enablers.

    • SP3 FLEX

      Lead: Angelos Amditis, Panagiotis Lytrivis (ICCS)

      FLEX is organised to deliver both enabling technologies and applications to enhance energy efficient and eco-friendly mobility.

      FLEX focuses on the concept of “elastic mobility infrastructure”. This means that infrastructures, such as parking places, road lanes and public transport, will become flexible to accommodate the demand of citizens and cities. In this collaborative concept, not only the systems communicate. All actors – systems and humans – are involved in a continuous bi-directional, dynamic, exchange of information. This is a significant step towards eco-friendly and energy efficient mobility.

      Initially the following applications were selected:

      • Collaborative pro-active urban/inter-urban monitoring and ad-hoc control (CMC)
      • Collaborative co-modal route planning (COPLAN)
      • Co-modal coaching with support from virtual/avatar users (CCA)
      • Collaborative smart intersection for intelligent priorities (CSI)
      • Collaborative public transport optimization (CPTO)
      • Collaborative dynamic corridors (DC)

      Lead: Luisa Andreone (CRF)

      DIALOGUE enables users to understand the advantage of adapting their individual mobility behaviour to each other with mutual benefit.

      Communicative and cooperative interactions among users may significantly affect the traffic situation to achieve clean, efficient and safe driving and travelling. Therefore SP4 concentrates on the development of user-centric enabling technologies and collaborative and eco-friendly applications.

      SP4 DIALOGUE envisages the following applications, which implement and support collaborative strategies and actions among users in ITS:

      • Collaborative Adaptive Cruise Control (C-ACC)
      • Collaborative eco-friendly parking (EFP)
      • Collaborative driving and merging (CDM)
      • Green, safe and collaborative driving serious game and community building (SG-CB)
      • Collaborative eco-friendly navigation (CONAV)

      Lead: Merja Penttinen (VTT)

      EVALUATION deploys the TEAM system on the selected European pilot sites and conducts a multidisciplinary evaluation.

      As a result, the information gained will allow to assess the impact of TEAM on collaborative systems - which benefits, implications and other ramifications will TEAM have on future transport and travel.

      In order to evaluate the technical results of the project, TEAM integrates its components in seven test sites throughout Europe and conducts the Euro-EcoChallenge event. The previously defined research questions guide the evaluations. The questions focus on the real-time performance, availability, liability, security and privacy of TEAM's applications.

      Another aspect of EVALUATION is the study of adequate human-machine interfaces, user acceptance and stakeholder opinions about TEAM functions. Stakeholder opinions also play an important role in the analysis of business models and models of collaboration for further deployment of collaborative systems.


      Lead: Elias Demirtzis (EICT)

      SUPPORT will promote the paradigm shift towards community-aware and adaptive mobility. It provides and coordinates the formalised interfaces of TEAM towards the outside world, creates dialogues with the stakeholders and cares for standardisation and exploitation.

  2. Interworking of sub-projects

  3. Interworking of SPs