TEAM vision

TEAM stands for Tomorrow’s Elastic Adaptive Mobility. It turns static into elastic mobility by joining drivers, travellers and infrastructure operators together into one collaborative network. Thereby TEAM explicitly takes into account the needs and constraints of all participants and the network itself.

The vision is to use mobile devices such as smartphones to significantly improve transportation safety and efficiency, implementing environmental aspects. This includes contribution towards the objective of reducing fatalities in the EU, not only addressing drivers but all road users – including passengers and pedestrians. In this way, drivers, travellers and infrastructure are meant to act as a team, adapting to each other and to the situation, creating optimised mobility conditions.

The success of the project will be demonstrated and validated via innovative applications for end-users and a Europe-wide mobility experiment to illustrate the systems’ benefits in a pan-European setting.

The project duration is four years. It has started in November 2012 as a joint initiative of 27 partners (now: 28), ranging from car manufacturers to telecommunication providers, research institutes, road infrastructure operators, traffic managers and more.

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TEAM applications
TEAM methodology
TEAM expected results

  1. TEAM vision

    We envision an elastic and collaborative mobility system.

  2. Vehicle-2-x communication and automotive cloud

  3. When vehicles and infrastructure communicate in intelligent transport systems (ITS) …

  4. Smartphones and cloud based functions

  5. … and TEAM will also integrate smartphones and cloud services …

  6. User integration

  7. …additionally allowing drivers and travellers to participate in a collaborative network balancing individual and global mobility needs …

  8. Collaborative network

  9. … then drivers, travellers, vehicles and infrastructure will act as a “team”. The involvement of interacting participants moves vehicle-2-x systems from cooperation to collaboration.
