TEAM vision

The TEAM project develops new collaborative transport solutions and thus addresses two challenges at the same time: to design an elastic infrastructure for increased traffic safety and efficiency and the overall goal to foster collaboration between all road participants.

To achieve this, TEAM's research approach combines automotive cloud and distributed computing technologies with a novel telecommunication technologies where vehicle-2-x communication and infrastructure based communication are equally used to bring relevant dynamic information to all road participants. For the first time in this field of research, elements such as vehicle electronics and mobile devices, navigation systems, tablet computers and smartphones are integrated to focus on the road users’ behavior.

Road participations will benefit from TEAM through 11 collaborating applications providing real time recommendations to balance individual and city mobility needs. In this way, TEAM follows its overall objectives to turn static into elastic mobility by joining drivers, travellers and infrastructure operators into one collaborative network. Collaboration is the key concept, which extends the cooperative concept of vehicle-2-x systems to include interaction and participation.

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